Improve your career prospects and earnings potential.

Whatever your background, situation or requirements, we can train you to become an IT professional leaving you with the skills, confidence and practical experience to make it in the real world of IT.

What is computer programming?

Build essential coding skills needed for front-end and back-end web development, machine learning, iOS and Android app development, and much more. Learn computer programming with online courses delivered through edX.

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Teaching completely aligned to the IT qualification and assessments

Extensive support and coaching from dedicated specialist teams

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IT Courses


The Complete Python Programming Course

What you'll learn :

  • The fundamentals of Python programming
  • Writing and Reading to Files
  • Automation of Word and Excel Files
  • Web scraping with BeautifulSoup4
  • Browser automation with Selenium
  • Data Analysis and Visualization with MatPlotLib
  • Regex parsing and Task Management
  • GUI and Gaming with Tkinter
  • And much more!

React - The Complete Guide

What you'll learn :

  • A thorough introduction to React.js (What is it and why would you use it?)
  • All the core basics: How React works, building components with React & building UIs with React
  • Components, props & dynamic data binding
  • Working with user events and state to create interactive applications
  • A (thorough) look behind the scenes to understand how React works under the hood
  • Detailed explanations on how to work with lists and conditional content
  • React Hooks (in-depth)!
  • Working with built-in Hooks and building custom Hooks
  • How to debug React apps
  • Styling React apps with “Styled Components” and “CSS Modules”
  • And Much More……

The Complete JavaScript Course 2023: From Zero to Expert!

What you'll learn :

  • Become an advanced, confident, and modern JavaScript developer from scratch
  • Build 6 beautiful real-world projects for your portfolio (not boring toy apps)
  • Become job-ready by understanding how JavaScript really works behind the scenes
  • How to think and work like a developer: problem-solving, researching, workflows
  • JavaScript fundamentals: variables, if/else, operators, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, etc.
  • Modern ES6+ from the beginning: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, optional chaining (ES2020), etc.
  • Modern OOP: Classes, constructors, prototypal inheritance, encapsulation, etc.
  • Complex concepts like the ‘this’ keyword, higher-order functions, closures, etc.
  • Asynchronous JavaScript: Event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX calls and APIs
  • How to architect your code using flowcharts and common patterns
Html & Css

Build Responsive Real-World Websites with HTML and CSS

What you'll learn :

  • Become a modern and confident HTML and CSS developer, no prior knowledge needed!
  • Design and build a stunning real-world project for your portfolio from scratch
  • Modern, semantic and accessible HTML5
  • Modern CSS (previous CSS3), including flexbox and CSS Grid for layout
  • Important CSS concepts such as the box model, positioning schemes, inheritance, solving selector conflicts, etc.
  • A web design framework with easy-to-use rules and guidelines to design eye-catching websites
  • How to plan, sketch, design, build, test, and optimize a professional website
  • How to make websites work on every possible mobile device (responsive design)
  • How to use common components and layout patterns for professional website design and development
  • Developer skills such as reading documentation, debugging, and using professional tools

Why study IT Courses with Mathsteam?

Flexible ways to study

Choose from our range of online and face-to-face study modes to fit into your busy lifestyle, giving you more choice and flexibility for start dates than any other provider.

Better pass rates - with Mathsteam Momentum

Momentum is our unique exam-focused approach, powering our accountancy and tax courses and improving pass rates by at least 20%.

The Hub - your online learning environment

The Hub provides 24/7 access to all your learning materials, accessible from anywhere in the world.

Aligned to professional bodies

Trusted adviser status from leading businesses and professional bodies.

Globally recognised & trusted

We understand the market and deliver training for 90% of FTSE 100 companies.

A supportive environment

Extensive support and coaching, guiding you through the qualification at the right pace.